BRAND NATION strives to be an influencer platform that connects brands/agencies and influencers more easily for their engagement in project campaigns operated and managed with the BRAND NATION platform. For Web3.0 participants, ventures can build their brand through direct interaction and representation with/by influencers of their choice, while for influencers themselves they in turn can further build their work portfolio, find opportunities that match their specific interests, and in doing so, all while earning tokens and rewards for their efforts. BRAND NATION is designed to build and support for its users a rich ecosystem of loyal followers and collaborative partnerships.
The BRAND NATION platform is set to bridge the gap between the mainstream population and the metaverse. BRAND NATION targets firstly those mainstream celebrities in Asia, and near-term through use of existing business relationships and networks, those with global reach to then assist BRAND NATION in developing a strong following for use of their platform to help the mainstream population become aware of the potential of the metaverse. Web3 Ventures constantly face the issue of mass adoption and credibility, and by pairing up with our trusted celebrities the BRAND NATION can be used as a gateway to a much wider audience.

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